I have been building gaming computers for 20 years or more and I love mucking about with software and hardware. Over the years I have found a lot of tricks and a lot of good free stuff.
I guess it's because I have helped a few beginners set up and debug their computers that I felt the need to start writing all this stuff down.
So without further ado, here are the free programs and some good advice that I can recommend.
** I'm having a big revamp as of April 2014 because .... Support for Windows XP ends April 8, 2014.
So I've dumped the old rig and gone to a new PC running Windows 7 and I like it.
I now have all my Android apps info here, as well as all the free things I currently run.
A lot of old posts are going or being seriously updated.
Although I started this website in 2008, I am revamping the old posts and moving them forward in time and keeping them relevant.
Cheers. Si.
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